(Generally, it is assumed the Made By date is within one month of the barrel date unless otherwise in conflict with a. A little worried about firing our of battery and need some reassurance. M1 carbine serial number ranges (1941-45) : US M1 Carbine part names : Characteristic parts of WW2 M1 carbines : Some pieces have evolved over the period 1941-45. Thanks (6) Quote Reply Topic: M1 Carbine Serial Number Spread Sheets. My military service was USAF 1952-1973 and I have long wanted an M1 for shooting and boar hunting.

I believe it is one of the first generation carbines made by Universal and would like to try to confirm that it is. 30 Carbine, S/N 89691 which appears in mint condition. I just purchased a Universal United States Section of the Milsurp Knowledge Library.', BGCOLOR, '#DDDDDD', BORDERCOLOR, '#000000', BORDERWIDTH, '1',FOLLOWMOUSE, 0, OFFSETX, -10, OPACITY, '95', FADEIN, '25', FADEOUT, '25', CLICKCLOSE, true,FOLLOWSCROLL, true, PADDING, 0, BALLOON, 1 ,ABOVE, false, TITLE1, 'United States - Milsurp Knowledge Library',LINKURL, '', SHOWCLOSE, 0, BALLOONIMGPATH, 'autolinker/images/balloons/yellow') microAjax('autolinker/autolinker_stats.php?uid=0&fid=110&t=v&kw=M1', function (res) ) '>M1. Search: Universal m1 carbine serial number lookup. I am a new member and not sure just how this works.