
Module savant rs232
Module savant rs232

module savant rs232

By the way, when we swapped in the Frankenstein cable, we didn’t change anything in the controllers, we didn’t update any programs, just connecting the cable made the difference. But for some reason, the one cable worked and the other didn’t. So we toned out our custom made cable and guess what? It was the same! 4 connected to 4, 5 connected to 6 and 6 connected to 5. What we found was what we expected: 4 connected to 4, 5 connected to 6, 6 connected to 5. What was the difference between the Frankenstein cable and the one we had made up with the reversed connections 5 and 6? So we toned connection 1 to connection 1 – nothing, no connection. Hmmm… So we took out our meter and and began to tone out the cable that worked. We plugged our Frankenstein cable back in and the two controllers began to talk. (Kind of like an ethernet cross-over cable.) This didn’t work either. THIRD TRY: We made up another CAT-5e cable with RJ-45 connectors on each end and on one end we reversed connections 5 and 6. You must swap Pins 5 & 6 (on only 1 of the 2 connectors).”

module savant rs232

“You can NOT use a straight ethernet wire. (But it was ugly and we didn’t want to leave the colorful RS-232 connectors on this job!) In the “Notes” dialogue box for the SSL’s profile it states this. So we had one patch cable from the SSP’s RS-232 RJ-45 port connected to the Red RS-232 connector, then we had a DB-9 Male to Male Gender changer, then the Yellow RS-232 connector and then another patch cable to the RS-232 integration port on the SSL. SECOND TRY: Then we took two of the colorful RS-232 connectors (the ones that come with the Savant 0007 controller) and coupled them to two common CAT-5e patch cables. It took a little time to deduce how to create the custom cable.įIRST TRY: We made up a standard ethernet patch cable (basically terminated RJ-45 connectors on the end of our CAT-5e cable.) It didn’t work.

module savant rs232

In Blueprint it is easy to setup this connection between the controllers. The way we connected the two is using the RS-232 Integration ports on the SSP to connect to the SSL.

module savant rs232

They are both mounted in an equipment rack. We are using a SmartLighting 18 (SSL-P018) as the Savant lighting controller. On our latest job, we are using a Savant SmartMediaPro 6 (SSP-06004) as the main AV matrix switcher and controller for the house.

Module savant rs232